Monday night raw is on channel 242.
Friday night Smack down is on channel 244.
nxt comes on syfy at 10:00 on tuesdays like ecw use to
NXT is on the WWE website. (See related link for the URL)
NXT is on frome 7-8pm
you have to win NXT to become a WWE superstar (ex.NXT season2 NXT season 4)
it comes on usa tuseday at 330pm
Raw - Mondays NXT - Tuesdays Superstars - Thursdays Smackdown - Fridays
WWE NXT is shown on
The duration of WWE NXT is 3600.0 seconds.
No nxt is like a try out and to get to the top of wwe nxt will be over sometime and ecw will be back......
WWE NXT was created on 2010-02-23.
WWE NXT ended on 2010-11-30.