Despite rumors Kid Rock does NOT have a house on Torch Lake. Those who do include Michael Moore, Christine Lahti, and some say Eminem does. I have lived here for 20 years and have yet to see him, his house, or proof. We saw Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson on Torch lake shortly after they married and before their divorce. We saw Christine Lahti at the Bellaire Grocery Store. It was hard to miss those ornate cowboy boots she had on.
I believe the term "locked-in syndrome" refers to when a celebrity is under house arrest.
Brady bought a house in Avon Lake, OH.
No, She has a house on Smith lake. Im a few houises down.
Buddy ebsen lived in a large house on the shores of Lake Dora, Lake County, Florida
It is located at Lake Winnipesaukee in New HampshireThe answer above is a complete and blatant lie. The real answer, as the movie's official website will tell you, is Chebacco Lake, Essex MA.
Based on the shoeline it is not Torch Lake. Also Torch Lake does not have the House Boats that were inthe video. Looks more Like Tenn. of Kentucky. The answer is that it is filmed on Grass Lake, Michigan. The double decker boat belonged to the Marina owner who's marina is on Grass Lake . I'm not sure if Kid Rock bought the boat or just borrowed it but I have been on that lake every year for over 40 years. It is definitely Grass Lake. Grass lake connects Lake Bellaire to Grass River, to Grass Lake, to Torch Lake. This is NOT Tenn. or Kentucky. I don't know who is saying that Torch Lake doesn't have the House Boat because it belonged to the marina owner that was less than 1/2 a mile down Grass Lake from Torch Lake. I'm sure it has been taken out onto Torch before..... Maybe you just never saw it out there. Also, did you know that Crownline Boats did their boat brochure on Torch Lake a couple of years ago? I was at Dockside when they went by and saw the brochure about a year later. It was beautiful, but, that's Torch!!! Hope that answers your question.
You must supply: The average fuel economy of your vehicle in kph or mph The distance between you and Torch Lake The gas price that you expect to pay when driving to Torch Lake
Bill pullman
Torch Lake , Michigan
Smith Lake Jake
get a torch! pfft
with a torch
yes but now it is just a light torch decoration
The side of the house facing the lake.
Lake House is a noun clause Lake modifies House, both components should be capitalized.
Yes! Copper and other industrial wastes... A superfund site.
When you first enter the lighthouse there is a torch right at the bottom of the stairs you just stand right by it with your torch equipped and voila!