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For Flute you have to blow faster or slower for Trumpet you have to loosen your lips for guitar Google it

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Q: What can be used to create different types of music by changing the pitch rhythm tone and volume?
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What can be used to create different types of music by changing the pitch rhythm volume?


What can be used to create different types of music by changing the pitch, rhythm, tone,and volume?


How can buoyancy be manipulated?

Buoyancy can be manipulated by changing the density of the fluid (by adding salt, for example), changing the shape or volume of the object (like adding a balloon to increase volume), or changing the gravitational force acting on the object (by taking it to a different planet with a different gravitational pull).

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For example changing the volume of a balloon.

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A cloud would be an example of something changing shape but not changing volume. As a cloud moves and disperses, its shape can change while the total volume of its water droplets remains the same.

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You can change the density of a substance by changing its volume. Density is equivalent to mass over volume. So changing the volume affects density.

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Renovation and remodeling are completely different entity. Renovation means changing the finish and the color of a property whereas remodeling means changing the structure and volume of the property.

What characteristics would you assess when taking the pulse?

Rate, Rhythm, Volume, Bilateral Presence

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Changing the radius.