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Q: What breed of dog did Ferris Bueller's family own?
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Can you breed a Maltese dog in the same family?

you can breed

What breed of dog do people suggest for a loving family Me my parents and sister are planning on getting a puppy in the near future but to begin with we are not sure what breed to get?

The breed of dog suggested for a loving family (you, your parents, and sister) depends on if you want a house dog or outside dog. If you want an outside dog, a German Shepherd would be a good breed. For an indoor dog, the English Bulldog is a good breed.

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What dog breed is the best family pet?

A beagle

Can you have twinsdpgs on sims 2 pets?

Yes. In Create A Family, save your dog as a Breed, then made another dog of the same breed.

What breed of dog does Jay have on modern family?

French Bulldog

Is there a DS game where you dogs can breed?

petz my dog family

Will a bull terrier get along with other breed of dog?

yes they will get on with every single breed alive as long as you train them as a family dog not a fighter

What is a good dog breed to get?

Depends on your family, your living arrangement , available time , and if you just want a companion dog or some working breed.

Cocker springer and king charles are varieties of which breed of dog?

The Cocker springer is a breed from the Spaniel family used for retrieving and flushing game. It is an excitable, affectionate breed with a life span of about fourteen years. The king Charles breed is also a dog from the spaniel family.

What type of dog breed would be good for your family?

cocker spaniel