1. He has a dog named Diamond. The breed is a pitbull.
Chris Faulk is number 70 on the Cleveland Browns.
chris browns say now nuber is 804-201-9377
Chris Brown is an American singer, and was born on May 5, 1989. This would make his Zodiac sign a Taurus.
Chris Brown's dog is named Diamond.
his favouate animal is a pultbull dog
1. He has a dog named Diamond. The breed is a pitbull.
green red blue and orange like a gay person...pie.
Chris Faulk is number 70 on the Cleveland Browns.
chris browns child is chrishton brown
chris browns favourite colour is pink and purple
Chris is a boy.
yes chris browns pittbulls name is diamond.
chris browns myspace is myspace.com/chrisbrown
The name of chris browns first album is "Run It"
can anyone tell me wat chris browns msn addy is plz?can anyone tell me wat chris browns msn addy is plz?