osiris probably cause that's all the kind of shoes he really wears....
No he mostly wears supra, and the shoes he worn in the clip are black patent.
Osiris doesn't have that kind of shoes!
Justin Bieber.
Hi! His basketball shoes are Supras
Supra. Love. Love. Love
He wears Supra shoes, Converse, and Nike,and he also likes supra tk the purple one so does jaden smith,jaden likes supra tk too Adam Wright Justin Bieber new music video yes ok help BJ
no, his purple shoes are supras. but the type of supra is tk society and they are 80 - 90 bucks on certain websites P.S i hope that helped!!
-Justin Bieber's favorite brand of shoes is Supra. I've never seen him in Jordans, but that's not to say that he's never worn them.(:
Justin *BIEBER and he wears Nike Supra.
Skate Shoes
He wears Supras.
Kick pop star
Supra Shoes <3
he probably has alot of brands but he usually wears supras :)
Justin Bieber's shoes aren't Nikes, they are Supras.
Justin Bieber wears Surpras.
yes justin bieber did were osiris shoes on his 16th birthday, and that was the only time he wore them.
No... You can see pictures of Justin Bieber in which he wears shoes. He also can be seen wearing shoes at his concerts.