Justin Biebers date of birth is March 1,1994
No Joel Bieber is not Justin Biebers dad. Justin Biebers dads name is Jeremy Bieber not Joel.
you can contact Justin beiber at 4046653410
scooter braun
Justin Biebers favorite basketball team is suns basketball
amazon.com is the best
Justin Bieber Likes Supra and Nike Air!. =).
they r black white and gray nikes
Purple jordan high tops
Justin Bieber's other favorite sport is basketball.
Well they are different but his fav color is purple so when he is performing is shoes are purple.
Hidden inside ls lady gaga that is Justin biebers father
Justin biebers manger is scooter braun
no i cant be Justin Biebers girlfriend because, I am Justin Beiber.
Justin biebers CD is called my world