Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, and Contemporary symhonies concertos and overtures
Most any genre or style of music from rock concerts to opera.
the time signiture use in thailand music?
Orchestral music is, simply, music composed for an orchestra. "Classical" is a period (c. 1750 to 1820) in music histoy, however people often use the term classical to describe all western music of a high standard.
If it is the current commercial playing June 2013, I believe the music is the opening orchestral music of Richard Wagner's Das Rheingold.
This is not the usual main theme, this sounds like a lot of tuba or trumbones.
Richard Koshgarian has written: 'American orchestral music' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Music, Orchestral music
Maestro is the usual reference to the Conductor of the orchestra. Maestro roughly means "Master" ... the orchestral conductor is the master of the orchestra leading them through the pieces they play.
Instrumental Music. Orchestral Music. Ensemble or Chamber Music.
Beethoven is an excellent example.
Romuald Twardowski has written: 'Impressioni fiorentini' -- subject(s): Orchestral music, Scores 'Antifone' -- subject(s): Orchestral music, Scores
In music, Chamber music, orchestral works, and operas.
It's called a score.
it is jazz