The time signature in Billie Jean by Michael Jackson is 4/4, like most other Jackson songs. The time signature of 4/4 is used in most Popular Music, Rock, Country and Blues
"44" is the time signature in music. A time signature is a sign at the beginning of a piece of music telling you the meter. The top number tells you how many beats are in a measure, and the bottom tells you what note equals one beat.
From the sound of music? Feels like 4/4 for the most part.
The time signature is the time and beat of the song, and the key signature is what major or minor it is in
It depends what the time signature is; if the time signature is 4/4 then a note worth half a beat would be an eighth-note. If the time signature is in say 6/8, then half a beat would be a sixteenth-note. Usually music is in quarter beats, so most probably an eighth-note for you.
No, 8/8 is not a common time signature used in music.
the time signature is 4/4
4/4. You can check what time signature a song uses by Googling the sheet music. The time signature will be at the beginning.
Yes, it is possible to change the time signature in a piece of music, which would alter the way the beats are grouped and counted.
After the clef sign, before the time signature.
4/4 time
Foxtrot music is in 4/4 time.
The time signature 5/4 is considered a simple time signature because it can be divided into two equal parts.
There is not time a signature. The music is free form as there may be 4, 5 or 6 beats per measure. This is quite common in more modern music.