Orchestral music is, simply, music composed for an orchestra. "Classical" is a period (c. 1750 to 1820) in music histoy, however people often use the term classical to describe all western music of a high standard.
Classical Music is the term given to both a style of music and the period during which it was written.
Chamber music is a genre, not a style.
Chamber music may be classical, or baroque, or romantic, or post-modern, or ...
Classical music may be chamber, or orchestral, or choral, or ...
Most any genre or style of music from rock concerts to opera.
Chamber music is basically just instrumental music played by a small ensemble with one player to a part. A string quartet only consists of four players: first and second violin and viola and a cello. As such, string quartets are considered to be a type of chamber music because it involves a small group of musicians.
BTEC Music is all coursework. GCSE Music is coursework and an listening exam. But BTEC you can get like say 4 GCSE grade C's in it but as for GCSE you only get 1.
If it is the current commercial playing June 2013, I believe the music is the opening orchestral music of Richard Wagner's Das Rheingold.
The music comes from the end of Mars, Bringer of War form the Planets Orchestral Suite composed by Gustav Holst.
It is synonymous. Chamber music is the music that is played by a Chamber orchestra.
Instrumental Music. Orchestral Music. Ensemble or Chamber Music.
In music, Chamber music, orchestral works, and operas.
Chamber music is locked up. Baroque music needs to be fixed.
Michel Perrault has written: '[ Orchestral and chamber music, and Esquisses en plein air, for soprano or contralto, string orchestra and harpsichord' -- subject(s): Scores, Orchestral music, Songs (High voice) with string orchestra, Chamber music
i dont freaking know
Bruce Mather has written: '[ Orchestral, chamber, vocal and piano music' -- subject(s): Vocal music, Orchestral music, Scores, Piano music, Chamber music 'Elegy, for saxophone and strings' -- subject(s): Saxophone with string orchestra, Solo with piano '[Sinfonia concertante] Sinfonia concertante' -- subject(s): Symphonies, Scores
Otakar Sourek has written: 'The chamber music of Antonin Dvorak' 'The orchestral works of Antonin Dvorak'
Whilst the harp has been used in many different genres of music it is perhaps, most identified with chamber and orchestral classical pieces.
Romantic Era
Orchestral, Ballet, Keyboard, Concerto, Chamber, Vocal, Band, Choral, Symphonic, Opera, Film