After school, the elves beat the other elves. Then they go to Santa's house to make toys for everyone, you know, that's their job. And then their elf moms make them a snack so they're not hungry after a long day of working and making toys.
As neighbors in a hostile region, they maintain trade agreements but keep to themselves as a general rule. Nevertheless, Elves do visit Laketown. It is doubtful that lake men visit the Elf King. They each value their Independence, and the Elf King is fond of their wine.
There is a House Elf and his name is Dobby.
Zooey Deschanel played a store elf named Jovie in the movie Elf. She falls for Will Ferrall's character, Buddy who believed he was an actual elf.
Eventually, all Elves sailed to Valinor, a place which is described like paradise. To do this they had to get a ship from the Grey Havens, and once they are there they cannot come back. This is where Frodo sailed to at the end of RotK. Legolas was one of the last elves to sail. Most of the Elves had left by the end of the 3rd age/the beginning of the 4th.
The singular form of elves is "elf."
The plural form of the noun elf is elves.
The plural of elf is spelled "elves." An example sentence could be: "The elves worked together to decorate the tree."
The plural possessive form of "elf" is "elves'." In this case, the apostrophe comes after the plural form "elves" to indicate possession. This construction is used when showing that something belongs to multiple elves.
No, the noun 'elf' is singular, a word for one imaginary creature.The plural form of the noun 'elf' is elves.
Santa has an elf. Or maybe a lot of elves.
Elf(singular) Elves(Plural)
The plural form of the noun phrase 'elf on a computer' is elves on a computer or elves on computers.
All elves have pointed ears. They are supposed to be beautiful and elegant, except for house elves. Their other characteristics depend on their race; Wood Elf, Light Elf, and Dark Elf.
Tall, he's in the film called, 'Elf!' About as tall as popular actor Will Ferrell.
The plural form of the noun elf is elves.The plural possessive form is elves'.Example: The elves' work is mischief. (the work of the elves)