After school, the elves beat the other elves. Then they go to Santa's house to make toys for everyone, you know, that's their job. And then their elf moms make them a snack so they're not hungry after a long day of working and making toys.
They were tired and hungry with no food or water. At least with the elves, they were fed.Because they had lost their way in Mirkwood and were on the brink of starvation.
In the Hobbit, King Thranduil of Mirkwood, the Wood Elves' king, liked his wine from Dorwinion. His wine was also imported by the Elves of Mirkwood in barrels down the Forest River from Long lake.
If you are referring to the book "The Hobbit," we aren't told exactly. We do know that elves and dwarves had a long-standing grudge against each other. But it does seem as if the elves were trying to trap them, or at least to create an excuse for taking them prisoner. The elves in "The Hobbit" were more like the elves in Celtic folklore - silly, tricky, deceitful little fairies - than the regal, mysterious elves in "The Lord of the Rings." Legolas was a Mirkwood elf, one of the people that the dwarves encountered in "The Hobbit," and was not considered the equal of the Lorien elves.
There was not always animosity between the Elves and the Dwarves. Dwarves made the best armour and the elves often traded and bought and sold. The entrance was the primary access point for their dealings, and was placed their mostly for the purpose of the elves. The elves of Eregion were great craftsmen, and they traded and worked with the dwarves of Moria, and there was great friendship. This ended when Sauron revealed himself, slew the elves' king, Celebrimbor, and the Gates of Moria were shut.
The Elves leaving Middle-earth by ship forever go to the lands of Aman, to the west beyond the Great Sea. There are the lands Valinor and Eldamar, and the isle Tol Eressea. It is the home of the Valar (spirits comparable to minor gods or angels), who a very long time ago invited the Elves to come and live in their lands, and the Elves have been following that call ever since.
Kevin Schranz
Wood elves, high elves, dark elves, light elves.
Elves on Shelves are not real elves. They are elves that you place on a shelf to help kids get excited about Christmas.
The plural form of the noun elf is elves.
Reindeer and Elves.
There is no medicine for elves because elves do not exist. Maybe they do lala land but not in reality. If anyone tells you that elves are real don't believe them because elves do not exist.
There are no such things as elves.
There is no specific collective noun for elves, in which case a noun suitable for the situation can be used, for example, a party of elves, a crew of elves, a staff of elves, etc.
No Santa make the elves!
Alfheim is home to the elves. Svartalfheim is home to the dark elves.
The plural possessive form of "elf" is "elves'." In this case, the apostrophe comes after the plural form "elves" to indicate possession. This construction is used when showing that something belongs to multiple elves.