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Eventually, all Elves sailed to Valinor, a place which is described like paradise. To do this they had to get a ship from the Grey Havens, and once they are there they cannot come back. This is where Frodo sailed to at the end of RotK. Legolas was one of the last elves to sail. Most of the Elves had left by the end of the 3rd age/the beginning of the 4th.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Actually, there was only one elf at Helm's Deep, and that was Legolas of the Fellowship. The movie inaccurately portrays Haldir and his elves coming to Helm's Deep, which is not according to the book. There were about 2,000 men of Rohan defending Helm's Deep. However in the movie, it showed 300 men of Rohan with 200 elves.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

They go to the Undying Lands or the Grey Havens. It is the country that elves first came from. It is across the sea and is said that only elves could find the way there. It is a parallel to our Heaven.

Actually the Elves did not originate in the Undying Lands in the far west, they came into being in the far east of Middle Earth (much farther east than where Mordor was later made by Sauron, in a place not recorded on any map) in the time before the Sun and the Moon. They were then summoned by the Valar to travel west all the way across Middle Earth and sail across the sea to the Undying Lands, for their safety as there were many evil creatures in Middle Earth at that time. Some refused to leave their homes, some stopped along the way, only a few actually sailed and lived in the Undying Lands. After the Silmarils were stolen by Morgoth, Feanor and many of his relatives among the Noldorin Elves sailed back to Middle Earth in a futile attempt to recover them. At the end of the Third Age (as described in LotR) the Elves again began leaving Middle Earth to sail for the Undying Lands as they had been originally summoned to do, including many that had previously refused to go on (however as nothing is known of the Elves that refused to leave their original homes in the far east of Middle Earth, it is uncertain if any of them went west).

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes. That is, an elf went to Helm's deep. Legolas. He was the only one. No contigent of archers from Galadriel I am afraid

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βˆ™ 14y ago

That is only in the movie, in the books there are no elves at Helm's Deep. It was added in by Peter Jackson, and really doesn't make any sense.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

yes, and no. In the books, Legolas was the only elf at the battle of helms deep. In the movie, all of the elves died :(. Including Halidir.

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The can be found in The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien.Those characters can be found in The Lord of the Rings. Gandalf and some of the elves can also be found in The Hobbit. The are key characters in the book The Lord of the Rings, which was made into movies a few years ago.After the story ends, along with Gimli, you will find them in Valinor, in the West.

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