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David Gallegos

Michael Shea Montgomery

Julian McClellan

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Q: What are the real names of the band members from BrokenCyde?
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What is antz real name from brokencyde?

antz real name is anthoney, im not sure about last names but i hope this helps (i love brokencyde)

What are the real names of Mik L and Phat J from Brokencyde?

Phat J of Brokencyde's real name is Julian. I should know... I gave it to him on the day he was born!

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aston marvin jb oritse

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Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer are their real names.

What are some facts about brokencyde the band?

duude they were arrested 4 child pornography and se7ens real name is david iLOL

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Group X is a faux Arabian band that plays a mixture of rap and rock. Most people don't know the real names of the band members and both band and fans frown on real names and nationalities being mentioned.

What is Antz real name of brokencyde?

His real name is Anthony

What is the best scene band?

Lately it has been Brokencyde, Nevershoutnever!, Sing it loud, and We the Kings. NoRestTillDeath man a new scene band that like uses real inhale screams :DDD check them out to

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Nickelback consists of four members: Mike and Chad Kroeger, Ryan Peake, and Daniel Adair.

What is Phat J's real name from brokencyde?

His real name is "Julian McClellan"

How do you say se7en's name from brokeNCYDE?

his real name is SEXY

Is Low Shoulder from the movie Jennifer's Body a real band?

No it is not. Maybe the guys are a band in real life, but may have a different band name. there not real, but a few of the band members are in a band called no country.