duude they were arrested 4 child pornography and se7ens real name is david iLOL
David Gallegos Michael Shea Montgomery Julian McClellan Anthony Trujillo
November 11, 1986
The band got together form Se7en and Miki and then the other to joined after. i hope i helped if you have any other ?'s feel free to ask www.myspace.com/sesanitaylor14 aim is BonaFideBeauty07 thanks =]
If you are taking about the one from BrokeNCYDE, he is not a homosexual if you listen to basically all of his solo songs or songs he did with the band you can pretty much tell.... but if you are talking about the Korean one I don't know:]
Julian McClellan
Brokencyde started in 2006 but become a band and started to get famous in 2008.
Brokencyde started in 2006 but become a band and started to get famous in 2008.
2006 .
First, its just BrokeNCYDE or BC13, Not BrokenCyde 13. second, its Se7en, Mikl, Antz and Phat J
Phat J of Brokencyde is 23 years old. The band Brokencyde was formed in 2006 and Phat J is currently pursuing a solo career.
David Gallegos is the lead vocals in the band "BrokeNCYDE"
try listening to the band Brokencyde, they're screamo(; and hiphop hope this info helped
he sings.hes pretty hot.Se7en does thee screaming and thee rapping. :)He ish hawtt. :)
Pretty much what you shuld wear is a brokencyde t-shirt some skinny jeans and some cool high tops.
BrokeNCYDE is from Albuquerque, New Mexico.