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1) Capture the Flag 2) Leech or Man hunt 3) Foot racing 4) Marco - Polo - Grounders 5) make one up??!!

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14y ago

go to your girlfriends house and have "fun" with her..that way they cant find you

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Q: What are some outdoor games to play games like tag and hide-and-go-seek?
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What is the definition of outdoor games?

Outdoor games are those games which we play any outside place like in Ground, Park, Garden, Stadium etc.

Can not play games?

Yes I can and I also like to play both types of games , that is indoor as well as outdoor games, it is fun as well as good.

Where is games play?

outdoor games outside and indoor games inside

What is a game that you can play alone?

There are many games you can play alone. Many video games are designed to play alone. Solitaire is a card game you can play by yourself. Hopscotch is an outdoor game you can play alone. There are also many board games like Bananagrams you can play alone.

What is the meaning of outdoor games?

games that we play outside the house or outside the building

What games did children play in the 1840s?

They played board games, such as a checkers and chess, and they played outdoor games like 'kick the can,' hoop-rolling, ice skating, and marbles.

What outdoor games did puritans play?

they fished, they hunted, they played hopper scotch, flower games...

What is the definition of indoor and outdoor games?

indoor means we will play inside the house eg.carom,chess,table tennis etc outdoor means we will play outside eg.batbiten,hockey,basket ball etc

What is a game that people play at a picnic?

Mostly outdoor games and sports, but also anything else they please like cards, board games and the like. Many bring their portable consoles with them these days too.

What are some games that the colonist played?

tag, hide and seek, and many of the outdoor games we play today

What kind of board games or card games or outdoor games do children play in China?

I Don't Know If Chinese Kids Play It But Chinese Checkers Is Pretty Popular

What games do Kenya children play?

Kenya children play a variety of games, such as football (soccer), skipping rope, hide and seek, and traditional games like bao, which is a board game. They also enjoy playing tag and various outdoor games to stay active and entertained.