People hate games, why? Will mostly it is parents that have kids who play games. And since they usally do not listen or just play games for ther free time. Therefore people do not like since they think it is just looking in a sreecn and clicking buttens. People who like games are those who now why they are made.
"You can not hate something, until it is first understood" -Da Vinci
A. Because carrying that much hate is self- destructive I check on apex
Dispute the popularity of the channel The littleoneOffical, unless you like vlogs and video games alot you probably wont know much about it the vlog or what they are talking about.
I hate to admit it, but Damon is much cuter that Stefen.
People probably hate you have unpleasant characteristic trait. For example you might be rude, selfish, unpleasant to look at, loud, or pushy.I know how this feels, and let me tell you this now, they probably don't. It just seems that way. It's super easy to annoy people, especially if you are talkative and you enjoy singing quietly in public. You are NOT hated by everyone! Persevere! You do have friends out there who care!
No one actually knows what the budget is but a lot of people who hate it (like me) guess around $10 as a joke, but in honesty I would guess $200 and that's not much for a movie that actually got sold worldwide.
It takes much more effort than playing video games, and people tell them to do it so they don't. That's my theory, anyway.
Of coure there is violence in video games! Many video games have violence in it, including call of duty.
Because a lot of people say too much video game playing is bad for you. And this is true. So people aren't really criticizing video games, they are trying to get people to cut back on video game time.
approximately $300-$700
it will because people are now getting stuck to their TVs now just cause of video games and people will get violent for playing too much violent games
I know a lot about violent video games because I researched on it, there are 90 percent of majority who are against video games and only 10 percent of majority who likes their children to play these violent video games!
Yes. You can play as much game as you want!! :)
Making video games is not easy or cheap. You have graphics, coding, hardware costs... and multiply that by 1000000 or so. Video games cost money because of this.
I think it depends on the girl and how much you do play video games. Like if all you do is sit around and play video games then most likely no, she wouldn't like it. But then again if you play like everyother day and still do stuff with her, then i don't think she'll care. But it all really depends on the girl.
If you play video games too much then yes it can harm you. it is proven that the longer you play video and watch TV, the better your chances are of getting poor grades. it also hurts your physical, social, and emotional health. You can't lose weight by playing video games (unless its the wii or kinect), most video games are one player games so you don't interact with people, and you can start wishing your life would become more like the game which can cause you to hate your life and get depressed. But be sure to remember, this only happens if you play video games A LOT. Playing them only an hour a day isn't bad.
Video games have no real effect on the ability of someone to get a job. When video games are played too much it might distract someone from something important like school, but video games could also provide a nice distraction for people and actually improve their ability to function. It is completely subjective.
Because when your high you do so much better!! =) Tyler