Just put it in like a sega CD game.
You have to own the game The Sims Online. You install this to your computer like any other game. Then, you have to sign up for service to play it on The Sims' Online game server. When you start the game to play it, it will automatically connect to the server so that you can play online.
Just don't play it! Ill rather listen to my music and smoke fake smoke!
Here is how. You can't. The game is freaking rigged and it's gay. I hate it, you should too.
well my ipod nano dosent play songs without headphones so no their is no way on its own to display music on your ipod touch. btw im only 12 so even i can figure that out.
yes ,but it will be harder
Yeah f you just want to play music. You can not play a game and play music too
You get sheet music for Without You and you play it.
you don't play music and do sing
There is no difference in game play between any Mac game and a Windows game.
Play a game as you normally would. Then press the x button on the controller, go one to the right and go on select music, then it starts playing music and you can press the x button to go back to the game and the music will continue whilst you play the game.
when you are on DSi Sound , press play with your music .
No, PS2's can not play music while you're playing a game on it. In fact, the only game console that can play music (for certain games) while you're playing anything in the PlayStation family, is the PS3.
I am sure it does, as with any game.
If it was downloaded, it may be ripped. Especially when games are shared illegally, the person who shares the game will "rip" out all the music to make the game size substantially smaller and easier to download. There is no music in the game to begin with.
Nope you'll be fine. You'll only get better.