It may differ in other coutries, but from what I heard the film "The Other Guys" is a 12+ film, and is hilariously awesome.
The age rating for the movie Anuvahood is age certificate:12a.
M means mature, which is 18 and older.
An age rating is a classification for a product which specifies the minimum age for a person using it.
the rating is 3+
Some guys who have a girlfriend prefer hanging out with their girlfriend depending on their age. Other's prefer their friends and may not have a girlfriend.
The age rating for Black Swan is 14 and up.
The age rating is going to be 4 = U
the age rating for pillars of the earth (the novel) would be about 12 years of age and over
When a guy tells you they are rating you, it typically means on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest rating, and 10 being the highest rating. This rating scale is usually done on attractiveness, but could also be used on personality or other attributes.
I think it is a PG.
The lowest age rating on a Halo game is "T" for "Teen" (13+), which is the rating for Halo Wars. It was released in March 2009, exclusively for the Xbox 360 console. All of the other Halo games are rated "M" for "Mature" (17+).
The Good Guys and the Bad Guys - 1969 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:PG (video rating) Finland:K-12 Norway:16 Sweden:15 USA:PG USA:M (original rating) West Germany:12 (nf)