The age rating for the movie Anuvahood is age certificate:12a.
The movie has a rating of PG-13. The books generally appeal to children of high school age. They are generally reading age 9 or lower. They contain violence, swearing, romance and adult themes meaning the later films would be likely to be classified 15, which is rather older than the general reading age.
He is 16.
11 and up
Teen and up
If you mean the film, it's a 12.Hope this helps!
I am pretty sure that it is a 12, the same as twilight. Well i hope it is... I'm twelve and am going to see it
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Rating is PG-13 Reasons why; - Violence - A scene of sensuality - Kissing Scenes I saw the rating from The Twilight Saga Website
M for supernatural themes
The age rating for the movie Anuvahood is age certificate:12a.
It is still PG -13
TWILIGHT books are rated 10 or five stars !