Across the Universe is on The Beatles last released album 'Let it Be' released in 1970.
Across the Universe - Holly Johnson song - was created in 1991.
The actresses name is Evan Rachel Wood
LP = Long Player (Album) - EP = Extended Play (Single with more than two tracks)
LP stands for "long-playing phonograph" which is the same thing as a record. The term has remained the standard name for an album from bands or artists.
The film Across The Universe is rated PG-13
Across the Universe was created on 1969-12-12.
The duration of Across the Universe - film - is 2.22 hours.
Across the Universe - film - was created on 2007-10-12.
Across the Universe grossed $24,343,673 in the domestic market.
Across The Universe
Across the Universe - Holly Johnson song - was created in 1991.
Across the Universe grossed $29,367,143 worldwide.
Across the Universe is not on Broadway. It was a musical film with songs from the Beatles. Currently there are no plans to adapt it for a Broadway run.
The song which plays during the war scene in Across The Universe is Strawberry Fields Forever
One day we may be able to travel across the universe.