If you are asking for the actors name then it is Kimberly J. Brown.
Marnie's last name was never Cromwell, that is her mother's maiden name, her real last name was Piper, the same as her father.
Roderick George Toombs is his real name.
it is Cromwell.
The father of Prue, Piper & Phoebe Halliwell is Victor Bennett.
Piper's real name on Charmed is Piper Halliwell, portrayed by Holly Marie Combs.
Marnie's last name was never Cromwell, that is her mother's maiden name, her real last name was Piper, the same as her father.
Roderick George Toombs is his real name.
Marnie Piper is played by Sara Paxton.
Pipers real name is Holly Marie combs
Marnie Saitta's birth name is Marnie Elizabeth Saitta.
Dr. Seuss's sister's name was Marnie.
where does marnie com form
the name marnie come from the latin word 'skaists' which means pretty
Marnie Blok's birth name is Marina Ann Catharina Blok.
The Chinese name for Marnie is 玛尔尼 (ma-er-ni).