The 9th Doctor, Jack kissed both him and Rose before going off to fight the Daleks in The Parting of the Ways.
It is yet unknown as to how Jack became the Face of Boe. But was dying before the Doctor arrived, of old age, the face of boe finally died when he gave the rest of his energy to open the roof of the motorway.
Captain Jack Harkness is a rougue time agent who has had his memory erased by the time agency. He is played by the actor/singer John Barrowman. He has also gained a cult following in the spin off show Torchwood, he is also a fiction character in his movie and show.
Yes, Captain Teague is Jack Sparrow's father. Right after Elizabeth becomes King of the Brethren Court, Jack talks to him. Even though it does not say so in the movie At World's End, in info on the the characters that was release, it says that Captain Teague is Jack' father.
Jack Kevorkian went by Doctor Death, and Jack The Dripper.
faye tasker
Captain Jack had a relationship with Ianto Jones in Torchwood. He's also kissed other people like Captain John who is his ex. On Doctor Who he kissed both the Doctor and Rose.
In Doctor Who, Captain Jack's full name is Captain Jack Harkness.
No, there has never been a young version of Jack in Doctor Who.
Captin Jack is a fictional man, from the BBC series Doctor Who and Torchwood.
Yes, Captain Jack Harkness asked the Doctor about what happened to Rose Tyler after she was trapped in a parallel universe. The Doctor informed Jack that Rose was safe and happy in the parallel world with her family.
At the moment there are no plans for him to return to Doctor Who.
Captain Jack Harkness in "Doctor Who" was played by John Barrowman. He portrayed the character from 2005 to 2010 and made appearances in both the main series and its spin-off, "Torchwood."
I know Captain Jack is of christian culture.
Cristifer Ecelson in the unborn child
It was Captain Jack Harkness.
That is a very subjective question. Any answer would be the person's own opinion.
No, as of 2012 he has never currently been on Torchwood. However characters from Torchwood (mostly Captain Jack Harkness) have appeared in Doctor Who.