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Not before she married Edward Cullen.

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What was Bella Swan's full name?

Bella swan is really Isabella swan ----- Her full name is Isabella Marie Swan.

What is Isabella swans full name from twilight?

Isabella Marie Swan. But now its Isabella Marie Cullen!

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Bella Swan's middle name in the Twilight saga is Marie.

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The Twilight character Isabella Marie Swan was born in September 13, 1991 in Forks, Washington USA.

Does Alice Cullen ever mention her Fullname to Isabella Marie Swan?

Yes. She metions it a few times.

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Swan..Her name is Isabella Marie Swan

What is Bella's real name?

It depends if you are talking about the series twilight if you are, her real name is Isabella Swan soon to be Isabella Cullen when she marries Edward. If you are talking about in real life it's Kristen Stewart.

In The Twilight Saga what is Bella's surname?

Isabella Marie swan is her full name but Marie is her middle name

What is Isabella Swans middle name in the movie twilghit?

Isabella Marie Swan.

Bellas full name?

Isabella Marie Swan