Cece's real name is Bella Thorne. Rocky's real name is Zendaya Coleman.
Brie Bella's real name is Brianna Monique Danielson (née Garcia-Colace).
In the Twilight saga its : Bella Swan ( until Breaking it becomes Bella Cullen ) The actor who plays Bella Swan is called Kristen Stewart . Hope this helps
Cameron joyce
The character Emma Swan - is currently played by Jennifer Morrison.
Kristen Stewarthope this helps (:
9 april
Grandma Marie. Bella called her Gran.
Charlie Swan
Kirsten Stewart
Forks high School i Believe
Her real name is Kristen Stewart.
renesmee carlie cullen
Charlie Swan's real name is Billy Burke
Bella's real name is Annabella Avery Thorne
Her ring-name is Nikki Bella however her real name is Stephanie Nicole Garcia