esma yalli
The words l'amour are French and translate into English as the word love. L'amour is also the title of a song by Erasure.
cosinela es cosinera y rampa diox es gracias a dios
Im not sure this is correct. From my research this appears to be a traditional song from the Torres Strait Islands, its meaning however, is not known. The actually spelling of the song is Inanay Gupu Wana. "its a song in Yorta Yorta, the language of 1 of the Aboriginal tribes of Victoria. i cant translate it but is apparently a song about a goanna, the 'choo' is shooing the goanna away. The word 'goanna' is the English name for the animal, it was their closest approximation of the name Aboriginals used for the animal. in the song you can here how similar it is"
The song 'Yo te voy a amar' translates to English to mean I'm Gonna Love You. It is a song by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
"Fallaste corazon" means "You failed, heart" in English. It is a lyric from a popular Spanish language song expressing disappointment or heartbreak.
The song Corazon Espinado is one of the tracks on Santana's 1999 album Supernatural. Written by Fher Olvera of the Spanish group Mana, the title of the song means pierced heart in English.
Song bird
The song lyrics to My Corazon by Angel Y Khriz which translates to My Heart in English can be found on a site called Only Lyrics. The song is about the strong love that one person has for another.
Love Song
An online translator.
Google Translate.
"Este coracon" means "this heart" in English. Typically, "coracon" is spelled "corazon" if it is written in traditional Spanish. It is found in quite a few Spanish-language song lyrics and poetry.
esma yalli
Sri Aurbindo
You can look up the lyrics, and then go to, and select English, then select the language you want to translate it to. Then copy the lyrics, and paste it in the translator.
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