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The words l'amour are French and translate into English as the word love. L'amour is also the title of a song by Erasure.

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What does L amour vous mean?

Love [verb] you.

A la fin trouver l 'amour mean in English?

at the end, find love

Oh your love in french?

o, ton amour ...

What does a' mon amour mean?

mon amour = my love

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It does not mean anything in French, it is likely "cher amour" (dear love).

What does mi amor mean in French?

"Mi amor" is Italian for "my Love". The French version is "mon amour".

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'amour fait' translates as 'Love does'

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Un amour durable would translate to mean lasting love.

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What does amour mean in German?

The French word amour translates as Liebein German.

What does Mon amour mean in English?

Mon amour means 'my Love' in English.

What is the word Lamour in French?

'L ' amour' meaning 'the love'.