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This is the time signature. The top number signifies the beats per measure, and the bottom number signifies the type of note that gets one beat.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

The time signature

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Q: The numbers written after the clef symbol refer to the?
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What is g-clef in tagalog?

G-clef in Tagalog is called "Kandiling titik G" or "G-clef." It is a symbol used in musical notation to indicate the pitch of written notes.

What is a staff symbol?

A staff symbol represents the notes to play. For example:treble clef is higher then bass clef.

What is the other clef which has the same symbol as the tenor clef but is in a different position on the staff?

it is the bass clef

Music for violins are written in which clef?

Violin music is written using the treble clef.

Do you play guitar in treble clef or bass clef?

Percussion instruments used to use the bass clef, but nowadays untuned percussion used what is called the neutral clef. The symbol for the neutral clef is two vertical lines, and music is written onto the staff. Each line or space corresponds to a certain drum or symbol.

Why the bass clef is also called f clef?

It is called that basically by convention, or common use. The symbol that denotes that clef is a stylized letter F, and the symbol hangs on the second line down of the clef, the line denoting the note F. That clef is called the bass clef in piano music, and the G clef is above it, but in fact there are several other clefs used by many other instruments.

In music a symbol indicating the pitch in music?


What clef is tuba played in?

Bass clef,. However, most pieces and written in the treble clef

What is f clef?

That refers to a musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes below middle C or to a bass instrument trademark.

What is f-clef?

That refers to a musical symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes below middle C or to a bass instrument trademark.

What is a treble Cleff in music?

A symbol indicating that the second line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of G above middle C. It's the clef that woodwinds play in. Bass clef is played in by brass players. -kani92 A Treble Clef is a symbol which represents the high pitched notes. It is also called the G clef because it starts on the second line of the Staff or Stave.A staff or stave is 5 lines and 4 spaces on which music notes are written on.

What is the treble clef also called?

Yes, the treble clef can also be known as the G clef, as the line that the circle of the clef is on, (the line second up from the bottom) is where the note of G is written.