In the first book Distrrct 13 is destroyed. It was bombed into "extinction"
District 13 "reappears" in the send of the second book and is a key point in the last book.
I think it is district 5... You should look on the map
There are twelve districts. Katniss Everdeen belongs to District twelve. Every year there is The Hunger Games. One boy and one girl from each district compete until the finish. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark get picked from the reaping. They fall in love and win The HUnger Games.
Rue was from District 11 in the Hunger Games.
District 14.
Who is Jason? Theres no Jason!
District 5
She is from District 5
District 9: Backpack District 5: Foxface
I think it is district 5... You should look on the map
district 7 worked with lumber in the hunger games
In the books, while not actually stated, it is assumed that District 5 specializes in DNA manipulations and muttations. However, the districts created by Lionsgate for promotion of the Hunger Games movie revealed that District 5 represented power.
they had butt fun
"... there is no District Twelve."
He was from District 2.
Lily? There is no Lily in the Hunger Games