Smithy gets kidnapped episodes 359 which you can watch on youtube by typing in the bill smithy and louise larson.
a snow storm throughout the day, starting around midday
In the movie "Leave it to Beaver", not the show, but the movie that came out in the 90's, the kid gets stuck in a giant coffee cup after being tricked by bullies. Hope that helps!
Sharks, he gets scared being in the ocean. Nobody knows why. I mean everybody is afraid of sharks.
Flight of the Navigator
Yes there is. If you get your sim to stare through the telescope for long enough then you may be lucky that your sim gets abducted the the aliens but the sims always gets returned eventually.
You purchase a telescope and set it outside.After that go outside at nightime and look through the telescope,hopefully your sim will be abducted. Or if you have Sims 2 Free Time, and your Sim has the knowledge aspiration, in aspiration rewards you will have lifetime aspiration benefits. Click that and if you have enough points, you can get the choice 'summon aliens'. At night click on a telescope and do 'summon aliens'. It might take a while for aliens to come and sometimes they don't come. If a man does summon aliens and gets abducted, he usually gets pregnant. I don't think women do. My women haven't got pregnant from aliens yet, but ALL my men that got abducted have. You have to stargaze for a very long time.
he comes back pregnant and gives birth to a slimy of alien baby
his name is Your Mother
The aliens will drop you off at home after they are done testing. Derekrocks: Omg my sis got abducted and it was so scary!! lol
Its just the same as not having seasons. But you have to have Free time so that a male Sim can search for aliens at night. It may take a while but soon a video will happen when the Sim gets abducted by aliens. There energy comfort bladder etc will change heaps while they are gone but don't worry about that. When they come back they will be pregnant and give birth to an alien baby. This process will take the usual time and if it is a female Sim they cannot get pregnant by being abducted
yes you can, although i am not 100% sure how yet, i know that if a man gets abducted by an alien they get pregnant. If you want the aliens they are in the sims 3 season expansion pack.
Have them look through a telescope between 6 pm and 6 am, and there's a small chance they will get abducted. If it's a male sim, there's a 100% chance he will return pregnant. If you have Free Time go to rewards panel, to Lifetime Aspiration Benefits (large pic of a man and a boy), and if you have Knowledge aspiration, make on the path Knowledge to the top, Summon aliens. Then go back to the game and click on the telescope and choose Summnon Aliens. It is avalable anytime.
Charlie And Claire
You have to have a guy and girl sim fall in live and when relaxing on bed click try for baby if it is a relationship were they can't do that they can also adopt. And if you just have a single guy and you want him alone to get pregnant just have him stargaze until he gets abducted by the aliens!:) good luck!
Either the man gets abducted by aliens, or you use boolProp testingcheatsenabled true, click on Spawn, then click on "Tombstone of L and D". Next you click "Stimulate (something something) Generator" and pick who you want to get pregnant with. Then he's pregnant!