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a snow storm throughout the day, starting around midday

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13y ago

A chalk board or its eraser. That is assuming the chalk being used is white.

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a blackboard or a blackboard eraser.

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Q: What gets whiter the darker it gets?
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What gets whiter the dertier it gets?

A chalkboard/blackboard

What is whiter than the ice and darker than the night?

The answer is milk. Milk is white in color but darker than the night when compared.

What makes you black?

My skin has a lot of melanin. Melanin is responsible for darker skin colors. Whiter people have less melanin than darker people.

What get whiter when it gets dirty?

a chalkboard

White discharge before periods?

It gets whiter and thicker when you ovulate.

What color is whiter than white?

There is no color that is whiter than white. White is the lightest color and represents purity and brightness.

What becomes white the dirtyer it gets?

A chalkboard becomes whiter as it gets dirtier with chalk dust.

Does the stain get darker as it dries?

Yes, the stain typically gets darker as it dries.

Why is your head white in stick RPG?

The wealthier and smarter, stronger, etc. you are the whiter your head becomes. Note, after a car crash, often you will go darker.

Why are some ghosts white while some are darker?

Depends on the skin color of the ghost when they were alive. Like if the person was white the ghost would be whiter

What colour is cement?

it is usually gray when wet and for the first few years then it gets whiter with age

Why does skin get darker when you tan?

it gets darker because the heat goes inside the skin and burns it that's why