Season 5|Episode 10 Peter's Two Dads
the episode "Petarded"
There doesn't appear to be an episode where this occurs.
Season Two|Episode Twenty Wasted Talent
Peter wasn't in college, but the episode was Season 2|Episode 10 Running Mates
Peter Kebren Larson has written: 'Some factors involved in the clarification of whey wine' -- subject(s): Wine and wine making
Olaf Peter Larson has written: 'A study of in-service education in the school divisions and counties of Alberta' -- subject(s): Teachers, Training of, Training of Teachers
Peter T Larson has written: 'NOAA products and services of the National Weather Service, National Environmental Satellite Service, Environmental Data Service, and the Environmental Research Laboratories'
Peter Kay appeared in the "Love & Monsters" episode of Doctor Who, which is episode 10 in season 2 of the revived series (2006).
Mia dumps Peter in the first episode of season 9
Season 2|Episode 8 I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar
Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater
Season 3|Episode 14 Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows
Season 5|Episode 10 Peter's Two Dads
There's no such episode.
the episode "Petarded"
Peter's Two Dads