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Q: Songs used in rev tribute
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Which song is the first in this tribute video to the rev http youtube eb0Rv6UBEIA Jimmy The Rev Sullivan tribute video?

Avenged Seven fold was the first song in the tribute video to the rev http youtube eb0Rv6UBEIA Jimmy The Rev Sullivan tribute video.

What lost prophet songs are used by WWE?

Well they use Rooftops for Jeff Hardy Tribute

Does the Reverend perform in Avenged Sevenfold's album Nightmare?

Not exactly. They used recordings of The Rev.'s drum playing and singing for a few of the songs.

What tribute songs would be good for a Owen Hart video?

Lake of fire by nirvana.

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Yes, you can tribute an XYZ monster to tribute summon something.

Why is voices by rev theory not on the CD?

its not on a CD because it a tribute song that they did for randy orton. exclusively. they have a single that is available but no album for that song.

Was Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan religious?

Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan never confirmed whether or not he was religious, but most fans assumed that he was, according to the songs he had written:AfterlifeUnbound (the wild ride)Brompton CocktailAlmost EasyOf which all of these songs have a 'religious' feel/meaning to them.

What songs are featured on Alice Cooper's Tribute Album?

You can find all of the songs at the link below:;jsessionid=46EE3C24AE43F5F89DAE02ACD51A6F33

Which Whitney Houston song did Ariana Grande sing?

She sang a medley of Whitney's songs as a tribute.

Metal militia a tribute to metallica?

yes you can get the CD of metal militia covering metallica songs

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Stevie Wonder

What are the saddest three songs that could be used in an itachi tribute?

boulevard of broken dreams by green day, goodbye by miley cyrus, and wake me up when septerber ends by green day also.