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no you shouldn't because you will probably end up straining ur vocals. but u should definitely rest ur vocals or to nurturing vocal exercises but nothing that puts the lightest bit of strain on your voice

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Q: Should you sing with sore throat?
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What does it mean when your throat starts to hurt after you start to sing?

This is common, your voice needs training to sing. When you feel sore, give your voice and throat a break. When you feel better, sing again.

What is the icd9 code for sore throat?

462 is the ICD9 code for sore throat. If you know why the throat is sore, the code should be more specific. For instance, 034.0 is strep pharyngitis.

What should you do if you have had a sore throat for two weeks?

go get a throat culture

How do you know if you have a sore throat?

Does your throat feel raw and sore? If the answer is yes, you have a sore throat.

Sore throat and a solo to sing tomorrow help?

try gargaling with salt water and some ibeprophen

How do you cure sore throat after wisdom tooth removal?

Sore throats should always be looked at by a doctor to make sure that you do not have an infection. In the meantime, soothing a sore throat will help. Use a lozenge or hot tea to soothe a sore throat..

Why do you get Sore throat?

you can get a sore throat By shouting

How do you spell the word sore throat?

Sore throat is not a single word; it is two words, "sore" and "throat".

Does cancer in your throat feel like a really bad sore throat?

There are many conditions that can cause a severe sore throat including strep throat. Cancer of the throat can cause the throat to feel sore. When you have a persistent sore throat consult a physician.

What is a sore throat sweet used for?

to sooth a sore throat.

What is sore throat sweet used for?

to sooth a sore throat.

Does in swine flue patient's throat pains and does he unable to swallow?

In Swine flu the throat is very sore but there should be a high temp. if sore throat is not better in a few hours see a doctor