You can find the Mean Girls script here:
It means off screen.
mean girls!
There are a number of good movie script websites. One of the better ones is imsdb or the internet movie script database. This has hundreds of movie scripts.
A Movie Script Ending was created on 2002-02-08.
Her favourite movie is Mean Girls (2004)
It means off screen.
the script of a movie, including acting instructions and scene directions.
Don Winslow has written a script for a sequel. At this time there is no other news about a sequel, and just because there is a script does not necessarily mean that there will be a movie made.
mean girls!
mean girls Mean girls with Lindsey Lohan and Rachel McAdams
what does script mean?
Yes, there is a book called "Mean Girls" by Micol Ostow. It is a novelization of the movie, "Mean Girls," written to provide a deeper insight into the characters and story.
There are a number of good movie script websites. One of the better ones is imsdb or the internet movie script database. This has hundreds of movie scripts.
Don't pay for anything! There's 1000's of free scripts here including the mean girls one
The Studio?
There's Mean Girls