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It means off screen.

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Q: What does OS mean in a movie script?
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Don Winslow has written a script for a sequel. At this time there is no other news about a sequel, and just because there is a script does not necessarily mean that there will be a movie made.

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You can find the Mean Girls script here:

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There are a number of good movie script websites. One of the better ones is imsdb or the internet movie script database. This has hundreds of movie scripts.

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A Movie Script Ending was created on 2002-02-08.

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PO means by mouth. This medical abbreviation, which is also written as: p.o. or po (lower case), comes from Latin "per os".

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You could find the movie Script Theory at the TubePlus website.

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Where do you get the movie The Notebook script?

The script to the movie "The Notebook" can be found here: . I purchased it last week and it's the real script. Pretty cool.

Where can you buy a script?

When you say script, what do you mean exactly? If you mean php or code script, you should search on

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