There is most likely not the exact book, but there is many books about Quileute Legends if you are interested in reading the Legends. Also, there is various websites that include the legends.
In the movie Bella doesn't actually go to the library, she goes to a old looking shop and actually buys the book, the book is called something along the lines of 'Quileute Lengends'
In the "Twilight" Saga novels by Stephenie Meyer, the town where Bella lives is called Forks, Washington. This is an actual town located on the Olympic Peninsula, in the state of Washington. Jacob's place of residence, the Quileute Reservation is also a real location.
He says "Where the hell have you been loca?" which is spanish for "crazy girl/woman" and "Que Quowle" which is Quileute. From what I've found out by asking my self, this means "Stay with me forever."
Yes you can buy them online.
To me a lot cause it sets up the hole love story and how they truly fell in love. if you don't read it, you can't fully understand why Bella is so heart broken in the next book. or what Jacob told her in twilight about his family's history.
In "Twilight," Bella reads "The Quileute Legends" book. These legends are important to understanding the history and culture of the Quileute tribe in the series. Bella becomes more interested in them as she learns about Jacob's connection to the legends.
Quileute legends
No. He is not allowed to tell Bella he is a werewolf according to the Quileute Legends.
belle search the cold one and the quileute legends
Bella found the book of Quileute Legends on a website called 'Quileute Nation.' It was a digital copy uploaded by a tribe member to share their cultural stories with a wider audience.
In The Twilight Saga, Bella finds Quileute Legends by listening to stories told by the Quileute tribe members, particularly Jacob Black. She is intrigued by the history and folklore surrounding the tribe, which leads her to ask questions and learn more about their culture. Bella's curiosity and interactions with the Quileute people help her uncover the legends associated with La Push beach.
Bella did not go on a site she typed in Quileute Legends in google and got a book or you could just type in cold-one in google and see what comes up.
In the movie Bella doesn't actually go to the library, she goes to a old looking shop and actually buys the book, the book is called something along the lines of 'Quileute Lengends'
She googled the Quileute legends and saw 'the cold ones' clicked on that and found all the answers she needed
no her father (charlie swan) is close friends with Billy Black who is a Quileute. but bella is not part Quileute
I'm afraid that that particular book doesn't exist.It was just made up for the storyline.I'm sure that there are plenty other books about Quileute legends if you are really interested in them. :D
Jacob told Bella about the Cullens being vampires and warned her to stay away from them for her safety. He shared the Quileute legends about the Cullens being their natural enemies.