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Q: Is there a band called fire and ice?
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Is there a band called into the fire?

Yes there is a band called Into The Fire from Houston, Tx.

What is an ice top?

There is no object that is called ice top. It does however, seem to be the name of a band. Ice top is a hip-hop band from the country of Greece.

Why does Iceland have the nick name the land of fire and ice?

Iceland is called "The Land of Fire and Ice" because it contains a lot of ice and volcanoes

What is the 4 book called for the 'Fire Within' series?

the fire within, ice fire, fire star and the fire eternal

What nation is called land of fire and ice?


What is chapter 22 called in Eclipse?

Fire and Ice.

Iceland Its called The Land of what?

Fire and Ice! You,ve just successfully escaped from Reykjavik!!!!

What is A Good Name For Band?

Fire in ice, rock band 5 and sweet dudes22 those are cool names...... just do someting fun and silly!!!

Is Marilyn Manson the band a Christian band?

currently no but he use to be in a Christan rock band when younger called Satan on Fire google it

What is the guys name who sings Fire Flys?

The band who sings Fire Flys is called Owl City :)

Why don't you alt least get the name of the series correct Its called a song of ice and fire?

The novel series is indeed called 'Song of Ice and Fire' however the TV show series is called 'Game of Thrones'.

What island nation is called Land of Ice and Fire?
