Jeffree Star is a male.
Jeffree Star is a male.
Boots, the monkey and Dora's best friend, is a boy.
District 1 Girl: Glimmer Boy: Marvel District 2 Girl: Clove Boy: Cato District 3 Girl: Unnamed Boy: Unnamed District 4 Girl: Unnamed Boy: Unnamed District 5 Girl: Foxface Boy: Unnamed District 6 Girl: Unnamed Boy; Unnamed District 7 Girl: Unnamed Boy: Unnamed District 8 Girl: Unnamed Boy: Unnamed District 9 Girl: Unnamed Boy: Unnamed District 10 Girl: Unnamed Boy: Unnamed District 11 Girl: Rue Boy: Thresh District 12 Girl: Katniss Boy: Peeta
girl = actress boy = actor
Anakin Skywalker was a boy in Star Wars Episode 1.
Star Wars figures are a good gift for a boy. You could also give them the DVDs so that they can further enjoy Star Wars.
Well, CHEWBACCA, is a boy I believe. I am sure they have a definite answer somewhere in the movie. There are other wookies in Star Wars which are females and there are differences in them. Plus, his actions and Han Solo's "Buddy" which he calls him just makes more sense. And seriously, do u think that this looks like a girl?
watch it on you tube or buy it and then send the data to me you mother's ugly baby and are you a girl or a boy and where do you live
Jeffree Star is a male.
adventure time or robot boy also star wars the clone wars
Jeffree Star is a male.
Star signs are ancient superstitions. Please ignore them and decide whether the boy and girl are a good match for each other and will have a happy life.
Slippy is a guy but sounds gay