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Read Lucky Star Manga 2. Read pg. 146. Heres a quote from it.

KONATA: "Well, Yeah, that's true, but for now, I have no interest in being a lesbian in real life."

Plus in the anime, when she's talking about romance, it's usually about guys.

But their is also some very suggestive moments in the series. I think its set up to look like kona-chan likes kagami but kagami dosent know it so basically at the end of the series you can draw your own conclusion.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

I'm presuming your referring to Konata Izumi from Lucky Star?

In which case, it isn't, or hasn't, actually been stated in either the anime, video game, or manga, whether Kona-chan is a lesbian.

Although it has been speculated that she's either is or is infact a bisexual (i.e. the Kagami moments).

Hence it's up to your own opinion on her character.

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βˆ™ 11y ago


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