A lesbian partner would be the significant other of a lesbian. A lesbian couple can be referred to as parters rather than girlfriends or wives.
It depends on the laws of the state.
Your partner orgasms.
Doubt it. A female to male transgender would be like a man which a lesbian is not attracted to, and a male to female would still be a man.
You could just be friends with this Lesbian for a while and then she may fall for you, not her current sexual partner.
yes like an didlo
you feel it if its there.
You dont just become a lesbian. Maybe you are just curious about what it is like to be with a same sex partner. Which is completely different.
According to the glaad website, Tabatha Coffey is an out-lesbian hairdresser.
Angie Dowds long-term lesbian partner was Corrie Preece.
"Spouse" is a neutral word to identify the partner in a committed relationship, whether heterosexual or homosexual. So the lesbian equivalent of "spouse" is ... spouse.
It is common knowledge that she is a lesbian. She has a long term partner. There were rumours that her and the actress who played Lyn Scully where a couple but that is just a rumour.
Nope, just an advocate for gay & lesbian rights. Maybe- it is said she has a partner named adamina koided (jk) i really dont know