That is correct. Mary Ambrose started dating David C. Copley of the Copley Press from 1996 to 1998.
David C. Copley inherited the Copley Press and Copley Wire Service of Washington, from his mother, the late Helen Copley of La Jolla, California. The Copley Press owned 20 Newspapers nationwide at one time. In 2005, Copley was listed by Fortune 500 as the 283rd most wealthy person in the United States, his assets then valued at 1.2 billion dollars. Copley sold his last newpaper holding, The San Diego Union Tribune, in 2009.
Mary Ambrose was introduced to David C. Copley in 1996 by Robert Palmer at one of his parties. David C. Copley owned a prestigious estate at the La Jolla Country Estates, and Palmer owned an estate in Del Mar, California, which was largely considered his second home. Robert Palmer initially met David Copley through mutual friends and the two became friendly. David Copley's friendship with Palmer was convenient for Robert Palmer as it was his desire that he not receive any publicity while in San Diego, California. As Copley was the owner of the largest newspaper in San Diego, California, where both La Jolla and Del Mar are located, The San Diego Union Tribune, he solitiously kept Palmer's name out of the press.
Mary Ambrose was nineteen years old when she started dating Copley with Palmer's full approval, and the two were seen out often together, although she was not Copley's exclusive girlfriend. With Copley's money and clout, he had many girlfriends. The arrangement did work out well for Copley and Ambrose, as Mary Ambrose was from Coronado, California, also located in San Diego, California.
Although Copley was and is fabulously wealthy, he is publicly known to be troubled and encountered run-ins with the law on multiple occasions, mainly for drunk driving and other misdemeanors. Copley even spent time in a Work Camp as mandated by the County of San Diego as part of his sentence for one of his many DUI convictions.
He was also notable for failing to report the sensational Andrew Cunnanen murders, Cunanen notable for killing Gianni Versace and others, in the San Diego Union Tribune until he was forced to do so. One of the reasons was that Cunnanen was one of Copley's frequent party guests, as Cunnanen was born and raised in San Diego, California, and did belong to a wealthy family. Copley was widely panned for this action. Copley now wanted to erase his connection with Cunnanen and was not successful in that regard.
David C. Copley underwent a heart transplant surgery in 2002 in San Diego due to the fact that he often weighed in excess of three hundred pounds and was an alcoholic. His heart would no longer function due to the abuse of Copley's lifestyle. The transplant was successful and Copley donated five million dollars to the hospital in gratitude.
But, yes, Mary Ambrose did date David C. Copley for a two year time period. They were often seen togther socializing in the Gaslamp Quarter, a high-dollar section of San Diego that offers a many restaurants and clubs. On one notable occasion, Copley and Ambrose were thrown out of a very pricey and well-known restaurant in San Diego for being drunk and disorderly. That went down in local San Diego history. David C. Copley broke off his relationship with Mary Ambrose in 1998 to her dissapointment, but as mentioned earlier, a man of his wealth has many options as far as relationships are concerned. Money definitely talks.
No, she was not. Although Mary Ambrose asked for an invitation to the funeral, the Palmer family advised her that she would not be in receipt of one.
Mary Ambrose was Robert Palmer's girlfriend and partner for 15 years. She is not dead
Mary Ambrose was twenty-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death, according to her late mother, Linda Ambrose. According to Mary Ambrose's brother Michael, she was born on June 9, 1977. For reasons that nobody could ascertain, Mary Ambrose herself and Mick Carter started announcing her age as thrity-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death and that information got into print. Unfortunately for Mary Ambrose, people who did actually know her reported her correct age, ending the charade that she was a decade older.
According to Robert Palmer himself in interviews, his close friends, and his family members, Geraldine Edwards was his girlfriend at the time of his death. She had been his girlfriend since Palmer's divorce from Susan in 1999. Mary Ambrose was a woman who casually dated Robert Palmer from 2000 to 2003 and who worked for Palmer as his Estate Manager and his Personal Assistant for that same period of years. According to Peter Bascombe, a close Palmer friend, as well as others that knew Palmer, Mary Ambrose was definintely not considered Robert Palmer's girlfriend. Mary Ambrose even had two children from friends and acquaintances of Robert Palmer while employed by him and dating him. One Palmer friend, Leo Stapleton, who also worked with Palmer professionally, stated publicly that Palmer referred to Mary Ambrose as "the arrangement" because she was simply there, not unlike Mt. Everest. He did not consider her his primary relationship. Palmer had met Mary Ambrose socially in 1995 at a party in San Diego, California. How her name came to be attached to the obituaries was because Robert Palmer's manager, Mick Carter, announced Mary Ambroses' name to the press as Robert Palmer's girlfriend in error. The press then reported Ambroses' name upon Carter's word. Carter was very fond of Mary Ambrose and in fact had a child with her in 2001. His excuse to one one Palmer friend, Joey Faahar, was "I felt that I should do it for Mary. She loved him so much. And she did live with him." When Faahar pointed out that she lived with him as his Estate Manager and Personal Assistant, Carter replied "That doesn't matter. She was living there." Shortly thereafter, Carter was legally enjoined from announcing Mary Ambrose as Robert Palmer's girlfriend, but he had caused a tremendous amount of upset and confusion in the meanwhile.
Geraldine Edwards appeared in the 1985 Discipline of Love Video. She said that she did not enjoy the experience and did not appear in any others, according to Robert Palmer.
No, she was not. Although Mary Ambrose asked for an invitation to the funeral, the Palmer family advised her that she would not be in receipt of one.
Mary Ambrose was Robert Palmer's girlfriend and partner for 15 years. She is not dead
Mary Ambrose dated David C. Copley of the Copley Press from 1996 to 1998, when David C. Copley ended their dating arrangement. Although the two dated, they were never exclusive. Mary Ambrose was in fact served with a Temporary Restraining Order on behalf of David C. Copley in 1998 due to harrassing phone calls and unsolicited visits that were viewed by the court as stalking electronically and physically. Unfortunately for David C. Copley, who is a billionaire, Mary Ambrose could not accept that he had ended his relationship with her. Copley verbally apprised Mary Ambrose that their relationship had been terminated on multiple occasions, but Ambrose thought she was going to negotiate the situation and return to Copley's life. When this did not happen she proceeded to call him thirty or more times a day and wait for him in her car in the vicinity of his mansion located at the La Jolla Country Estates, a prestigious and exclusive housing community located in San Diego, California. After Ambrose was served with the TRO, she ceased her harrasing activities visited upon David C. Copley and moved on. One local San Diego columnist referred to Mary Ambrose as the "Evelyn Draper" of San Diego. Those that got the joke recognized the name as that of the crazed female stalker of Clint Eastwood in "Play Misty For Me."
No, Mary Ambrose did not inherit his manison in Lugano, Switzerland. It was sold as part of the Estate of Robert Palmer. The mansion was sold by Soteby's European Real Estate Division in early 2004 at the behest of James Palmer, the Executor of the Estate of Robert Palmer. According to James Palmer, the proceeds of the sale were distributed equally among Robert Palmer's five children.
Mary Ambrose was twenty-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death, according to her late mother, Linda Ambrose. According to Mary Ambrose's brother Michael, she was born on June 9, 1977. For reasons that nobody could ascertain, Mary Ambrose herself and Mick Carter started announcing her age as thrity-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death and that information got into print. Unfortunately for Mary Ambrose, people who did actually know her reported her correct age, ending the charade that she was a decade older.
According to Robert Palmer himself in interviews, his close friends, and his family members, Geraldine Edwards was his girlfriend at the time of his death. She had been his girlfriend since Palmer's divorce from Susan in 1999. Mary Ambrose was a woman who casually dated Robert Palmer from 2000 to 2003 and who worked for Palmer as his Estate Manager and his Personal Assistant for that same period of years. According to Peter Bascombe, a close Palmer friend, as well as others that knew Palmer, Mary Ambrose was definintely not considered Robert Palmer's girlfriend. Mary Ambrose even had two children from friends and acquaintances of Robert Palmer while employed by him and dating him. One Palmer friend, Leo Stapleton, who also worked with Palmer professionally, stated publicly that Palmer referred to Mary Ambrose as "the arrangement" because she was simply there, not unlike Mt. Everest. He did not consider her his primary relationship. Palmer had met Mary Ambrose socially in 1995 at a party in San Diego, California. How her name came to be attached to the obituaries was because Robert Palmer's manager, Mick Carter, announced Mary Ambroses' name to the press as Robert Palmer's girlfriend in error. The press then reported Ambroses' name upon Carter's word. Carter was very fond of Mary Ambrose and in fact had a child with her in 2001. His excuse to one one Palmer friend, Joey Faahar, was "I felt that I should do it for Mary. She loved him so much. And she did live with him." When Faahar pointed out that she lived with him as his Estate Manager and Personal Assistant, Carter replied "That doesn't matter. She was living there." Shortly thereafter, Carter was legally enjoined from announcing Mary Ambrose as Robert Palmer's girlfriend, but he had caused a tremendous amount of upset and confusion in the meanwhile.
Geraldine Edwards appeared in the 1985 Discipline of Love Video. She said that she did not enjoy the experience and did not appear in any others, according to Robert Palmer.
Robert Palmer was born on January 19, 1949.
Yes. Mick Carter, who was Robert Palmer's manager, and who was fired in September of 2003 did owe Robert Palmer a substansial financial debt. After an audit was conducted on accounts of Palmer's that Mick Carter was a signatore on, financial improprieties were discovered. Mick Carter had withdrawn $250,000.00 over a five-year time period for his personal use and then covered the transactions by listing them in accounting ledgers under legitimate explanations. When information contained in the ledgers was double checked it was discovered that receipts were created for companies that did not exist as well as trips and expenses that allegedly took place on Palmer's behalf had never actually occurred. Several cancelled checks were missing pertaining to these entries, causing a red flag to go up. Mick Carter was fired upon the discovery, and Robert Palmer made an arrangement for Mick Carter to reimburse him the lost money. Carter was going to mortgage his estate in restitution for the debt. When Robert Palmer died soon thereafter, and Mick Carter concluded that Robert Palmer had not yet told anyone about his firing or about his actions regarding the accounts. Unfortunately for Mick Carter, Robert Palmer had told a handful of people close to him about the situation, but Carter did not realize this. Robert Palmer had ended his personal relationship with Mary Ambrose in February of 2003. He had dated her casually from 2000 to 2003, after his 1999 divorce from his second wife Susan Palmer. She also worked for him as his live-in estate manager and personal assistant. Mary Ambrose was anxious that she should be reported as Robert Palmer's companion at the time of his death, even though Robert Palmer was by then engaged to Geraldine Edwards, his longtime friend and girlfriend. Palmer and Edwards had met in 1975. Mary Ambrose had discovered that Mick Carter owed Robert Palmer money before Palmer had passed away through a third-hand source. She promised Mick Carter that if he announced her name as Robert Palmer's companion, she would erase the debt. Mick Carter believed her and made the announcement. As it stood, however, Mary Ambrose did not have the actual authority to erase the debt, as she well knew, and Mick Carter was told he would have to rectify the debt. By then, the announcement had been made. Another mitigating factor for making the announcement was that Mary Ambrose had a son in 2001, fathered by Mick Carter. The two used to date. Mick Carter was married at the time and wished to keep the existence of his love child with Mary Ambrose from his wife. Ambrose was not exclusive with Palmer while they dated and had two sons from acquaintances of his. In the end, Mick Carter was compelled to pay the debt he owed the late Robert Palmer to Palmer's family.
yes, on 26 September 2003
Yes. Her father, the late Samuel Edwards, was Douglas Edwards cousin on his fathers side.
It can be chalked up to a lack of knowledge about his client. Although Carter was personal friends with Robert Palmer, he did not know a lot about his personal life and that is where the reporting errors cropped up. They started with Carter reporting Mary Ambrose as Robert Palmer's partner vacationing with him in Paris at the time of his death. Robert Palmer's companion at the time of his death was Geraldine Edwards. The reason for this misreport was that Carter and Ambrose were very close and had a child together in 2001. According to Carter, he took Ambrose at her word, and announced Ambrose's name to the press. In addition to this, Carter announced Robert Palmer's divorce date from Susan Palmer as 1991. The correct divorce date was in 1999. He also quoted that Robert Palmer was in "Perfect Health" prior to his death. That was not correct. Robert Palmer was suffering from Hypertension and was being treated medically for that condition. Jack Bruce, another of Mick Carter's client's, was vacationing with Robert Palmer in Paris, France at the time of his death, not Mary Ambrose. And finally, Mick Carter reported that Robert Palmer was only married once and had only two children. Robert Palmer was married twice and had five children. His final reporting faux pas was telling the press that Robert Palmer was to be buried at his home in Lugano, Switzerland. That is not correct. There was a Memorial Service for Robert Palmer in Lugano, Switzerland, however, Robert Palmer was buried in London, England.