Mary Ambrose was Robert Palmer's girlfriend and partner for 15 years. She is not dead
No she was not. At the time of Robert Palmer's death, he was no longer involved with Mary Ambrose romantically. The Sun article quote's Ambrose as calling the front desk of the Warwick de berri hotel and saying "My husband is not well. Call an ambulance. I beg you, call an ambulance." That conversation never took place as Mary Ambrose was not in Paris, France with Robert Palmer at the time of his death. What's more, Mary Ambrose was never married to Robert Palmer and he certainly was not her husband at any time. The person who was vacationing with Robert Palmer in Paris at the time of his death was Jack Bruce, in addition to which Robert Palmer was engaged to Geraldine Edwards by September of 2003, who happened to be one of the two inspirations for Penny Lane in Almost Famous, the other being Bebe Buell. Robert Palmer had been seriously dating her since his divorce from his second wife, Susan Palmer, in late 1999. Ambrose was not anywhere near Paris at the time of Robert Palmer's death.
The three articles were that were legally debunked, which means they can't be used in any legal or citing capacity, were "Robert Palmer was Addicted to my Love", "The Interview" and "A Feature on Robert Palmer." They were written by Nick Krewen and Jane Gordon. Also, these articles may not be reprinted in any legal capacity. The best guest as to why Mary Ambrose had these articles created, according to those that knew the late Robert Palmer, was so that she would be able to present them in a court of law as proof of her relationship with the late Robert Palmer. Robert Palmer had ended his relationship with Mary Ambrose by early 2003 and she was fully aware that she was not going to inherit from the Estate of Robert Palmer, therefore the articles were fabricated as evidence for the court to consider. In the discovery phase of the matter of "Mary Catherine Ambrose v. The Estate of Robert Palmer" probate matter, Mary Ambrose attempted to submit the articles. The court failed to accept the articles into consideration being made aware of their debunked status. Both writers of the three articles were known to Mary Ambrose, prior to Robert Palmer's death. Her reason for doing this was, quite simply, for financial gain. Stranger things have happened in the pursuit of wealth.
Mary Ambrose was twenty-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death, according to her late mother, Linda Ambrose. According to Mary Ambrose's brother Michael, she was born on June 9, 1977. For reasons that nobody could ascertain, Mary Ambrose herself and Mick Carter started announcing her age as thrity-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death and that information got into print. Unfortunately for Mary Ambrose, people who did actually know her reported her correct age, ending the charade that she was a decade older.
Mary Catherine Ambrose was born in San Diego, California, in 1977.
No, she was not. Although Mary Ambrose asked for an invitation to the funeral, the Palmer family advised her that she would not be in receipt of one.
Robert Palmer had a girlfriend named Mary Ambrose whose nickname was Kiki. In fact Robert Palmer never referred to Mary as Mary but as Kiki. Mary preferred to be addressed by the name Mary but Robert was more comfortable calling her Kiki. He also introduced her to people by the name of Kiki Ambrose on a regular basis. Although I will not divulge Robert Palmer's former address in Lugano, Switzerland I will tell you his former address in Del Mar, California, where he maintained a residence until 2002 when he sold the estate. The address was 4176 Via Del Mar, Del Mar, California, 92114. This was Kiki's address while in San Diego, California as she was Robert Palmer's live-in housekeeper and personal assistant since 2000. As stated earlier Robert Palmer also dated Kiki Ambrose. From time to time Mary would bill herself as Kiki Palmer to those she met.
At a party
No, Mary Ambrose did not inherit his manison in Lugano, Switzerland. It was sold as part of the Estate of Robert Palmer. The mansion was sold by Soteby's European Real Estate Division in early 2004 at the behest of James Palmer, the Executor of the Estate of Robert Palmer. According to James Palmer, the proceeds of the sale were distributed equally among Robert Palmer's five children.
One picture, attached to an article that was legally debunked written by Jane Gordon, is of Robert Palmer and Mary Ambrose taken in 1995 by a friend and future employer of Mary Ambrose. The woman who took the picture hired Mary Ambrose as her au pair the following year in 1996. Mary Ambrose is standing behind Robert Palmer in the picture, sporting short hair and holding a cocktail in one hand and food in the other. According to the woman who took the picture, Robert Palmer and his then wife, Susan Palmer, were in attendance at the party, which she and her husband were giving. They were friends with Robert Palmer. She also knew Mary Ambrose, and Ambrose requested an invitation to the party when she heard Robert Palmer was going to be there. She had met Robert Palmer previously and had a crush on him. The woman allowed her to attend the party and stated that when Robert Palmer arrived, Mary Ambrose proceeded to follow Robert Palmer around the party, resulting in the picture that she took. They definitely were not posing together, Mary Ambrose was following him in the background. She gave Mary Ambrose a copy of the photo, who proceeded to give it out to be attached to articles. The second photo of Robert Palmer and Mary Ambrose was a group shot taken by Richard Coble in 1999, a production assistant who worked for Robert Palmer. In this photo, Mary Ambrose is standing in front of Robert Palmer with her arms folded. According to Rod Adamson, who was also in the photo, the picture was taken in Hong Kong, when certain members of Robert Palmer's entourage followed him out to a private airfield to see him off on his flight. According to him, Mary Ambrose was part of the group that went to Hong Kong to see Robert Palmer's show and also part of the group that went out to the airfield to see him off. There were three other people that saw Palmer off, but were not in the picture. He mentioned that Susan Palmer was not in the picture because she was already in the helicopter.
No she was not. At the time of Robert Palmer's death, he was no longer involved with Mary Ambrose romantically. The Sun article quote's Ambrose as calling the front desk of the Warwick de berri hotel and saying "My husband is not well. Call an ambulance. I beg you, call an ambulance." That conversation never took place as Mary Ambrose was not in Paris, France with Robert Palmer at the time of his death. What's more, Mary Ambrose was never married to Robert Palmer and he certainly was not her husband at any time. The person who was vacationing with Robert Palmer in Paris at the time of his death was Jack Bruce, in addition to which Robert Palmer was engaged to Geraldine Edwards by September of 2003, who happened to be one of the two inspirations for Penny Lane in Almost Famous, the other being Bebe Buell. Robert Palmer had been seriously dating her since his divorce from his second wife, Susan Palmer, in late 1999. Ambrose was not anywhere near Paris at the time of Robert Palmer's death.
The three articles were that were legally debunked, which means they can't be used in any legal or citing capacity, were "Robert Palmer was Addicted to my Love", "The Interview" and "A Feature on Robert Palmer." They were written by Nick Krewen and Jane Gordon. Also, these articles may not be reprinted in any legal capacity. The best guest as to why Mary Ambrose had these articles created, according to those that knew the late Robert Palmer, was so that she would be able to present them in a court of law as proof of her relationship with the late Robert Palmer. Robert Palmer had ended his relationship with Mary Ambrose by early 2003 and she was fully aware that she was not going to inherit from the Estate of Robert Palmer, therefore the articles were fabricated as evidence for the court to consider. In the discovery phase of the matter of "Mary Catherine Ambrose v. The Estate of Robert Palmer" probate matter, Mary Ambrose attempted to submit the articles. The court failed to accept the articles into consideration being made aware of their debunked status. Both writers of the three articles were known to Mary Ambrose, prior to Robert Palmer's death. Her reason for doing this was, quite simply, for financial gain. Stranger things have happened in the pursuit of wealth.
Mary Ambrose was twenty-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death, according to her late mother, Linda Ambrose. According to Mary Ambrose's brother Michael, she was born on June 9, 1977. For reasons that nobody could ascertain, Mary Ambrose herself and Mick Carter started announcing her age as thrity-six years old at the time of Robert Palmers death and that information got into print. Unfortunately for Mary Ambrose, people who did actually know her reported her correct age, ending the charade that she was a decade older.
Mary Catherine Ambrose was born in San Diego, California, in 1977.
After the death of Robert Palmer, Mary Ambrose sued the Estate of Robert Palmer but did not prevail. Robert Palmer did die testate and although his Last Will and Testament was challenged by Ambrose, the Will eventually stood as written. Ambrose's final suit was brought in 2007, when her legal options were extinguised. Ambrose's luck did not hold after Robert Palmer's death and she is now serving time on a prison sentence for a 2011 conviction on a white collar crime. This is not her first time behind bars, she has also served time in 1997 and 2005. Most recently, Mary Ambrose has put up social networking sites alleging that she is living in Ticino, Switzerland residing in the home that she and Robert Palmer shared. Although Mary Ambrose resided with Robert Palmer as his estate manager and personal assistant, Robert Palmer was engaged to Geraldine Edwards at the time of his death, although he did date Ambrose prior to that. Also, the house was sold as part of the estate once it entered probate and was sold by Soteby's European/Swiss Real Estate Division in 2004, it's proceeds divided among the five Palmer children as were the wishes of the late Robert Palmer. Ambrose has most recently been living in Southern California according to members of her family prior to her incarceration. She will be elegible for parole in 2012, and more than likely will be released back into the community to spend the remainder of her sentence on parole. In 2011, Ambrose's parential rights were extingused by the State of California to her three children, born in 2001, 2002 and 2008 due to her competance as a parent. The children are now being reared by a relative of Ambrose's. None of the children belonged to Robert Palmer. Although Mary Ambrose has had her problems in the past, two of her cousins have backed her up on her most recent Web site, by the name of Susan and William. Although Ambrose has tried to present them as her sister and brother, they are in fact her cousins. William went so far as to claim that he is residing at the Palmer Estate with Mary Ambrose alleging still that Mary Ambrose did inherit the house. The house was in fact sold to a European Corporation in 2004. According to Mary Ambrose's uncle, Harvey Ambrose, his niece will not return to Southern California when she has completed serving her sentence. Ambrose has advised him that she will relocate to New York.
It can be chalked up to a lack of knowledge about his client. Although Carter was personal friends with Robert Palmer, he did not know a lot about his personal life and that is where the reporting errors cropped up. They started with Carter reporting Mary Ambrose as Robert Palmer's partner vacationing with him in Paris at the time of his death. Robert Palmer's companion at the time of his death was Geraldine Edwards. The reason for this misreport was that Carter and Ambrose were very close and had a child together in 2001. According to Carter, he took Ambrose at her word, and announced Ambrose's name to the press. In addition to this, Carter announced Robert Palmer's divorce date from Susan Palmer as 1991. The correct divorce date was in 1999. He also quoted that Robert Palmer was in "Perfect Health" prior to his death. That was not correct. Robert Palmer was suffering from Hypertension and was being treated medically for that condition. Jack Bruce, another of Mick Carter's client's, was vacationing with Robert Palmer in Paris, France at the time of his death, not Mary Ambrose. And finally, Mick Carter reported that Robert Palmer was only married once and had only two children. Robert Palmer was married twice and had five children. His final reporting faux pas was telling the press that Robert Palmer was to be buried at his home in Lugano, Switzerland. That is not correct. There was a Memorial Service for Robert Palmer in Lugano, Switzerland, however, Robert Palmer was buried in London, England.
The reason for the misreports are simple; Mick Carter, representing himself as Robert Palmer's manager provided this information to the press and they printed it, taking him at his word. Unfortunately, by the time Robert Palmer had died, Mick Carter had been fired. He made a series of dubious reports about his former client, Robert Palmer, after his death, in a forty-eight hour time period proceeding Robert Palmer's death. When the facts were brought to bear i.e. that Mick Carter had been fired prior to Robert Palmer's death, he was legally stopped from making any further announcements about Robert Palmer. But in that forty-eight hour time period issuing a series of false reports regarding Robert Palmer, he had done a lot of damage. These are the correct facts about Mary Ambrose vis-a-vis her relationship with Robert Palmer. Mary Ambrose dated Robert Palmer from mid-2000 to early 2003. She had met him socially in 1995 in Coronado, California, but the two did not date until mid-2000, when Robert Palmer hired Ambrose as his live-in Estate Manager and Personal Assistant. Prior to that he had been married to his second wife, Susan Eileen Thatcher until 1999. The relationship between Robert Palmer and Mary Ambrose was not monagamous, and Robert Palmer ended his personal relationship with her in early 2003. The entire time that Robert Palmer was dating Mary Ambrose he was also involved with Geraldine Edwards, who he represented as his girlfriend. By early 2003, Robert Palmer and Geraldine Edwards had become engaged and were looking for a home together in the Los Angeles area. In Robert Palmer's last Access Hollywood interview prior to his death, he announced Geraldine Edwards name as that of his girlfriend he had recently become engaged to. The motivation for Mick Carter deliberatly misreporting Mary Ambrose's name as Robert Palmer's girlfriend was also simple. He was close friends with her, the two having a son together in 2001, and more importantly, Mick Carter was told by Mary Ambrose that she was going to be the sole inheritor of the Estate of Robert Palmer which was valued at $54 million dollars. One can surmise that Mick Carter saw money in his future coming from the Estate. He was willing to report any information that Mary Ambrose provided him with to the press. In addition to that, Mick Carter disliked Geraldine Edwards, Robert Palmer's fiancee, intently. She was partly responsible for Robert Palmer auditing his accounts which led directly to the firing of Carter. Later, the entire house of cards fell apart when friends and family members of Robert Palmer's came forward to report the situation in a public way. Mary Ambrose's family was instrumental in correcting the record, their actions were honorable. They were the first to point out that Mary Catherine Ambrose was only twenty-six years old at the time of Robert Palmer's death, and that for some strange reason she tried to start representing her name as Mary Frances Ambrose. They made perfectecly clear what Mary Ambrose's name was and how old she was, which was that her name was Mary Catherine Ambrose, not Mary Frances, and that she was born in June of 1977, making her twenty-six years old at the time of Robert Palmer's death. Her brother Michael Ambrose Jr, made a funny statement to the press, saying "I know my sister was not dating Robert Palmer when she was six years old." The incorrect information provided by some articles can be laid at the door of Mick Carter exclusively, when he chose to misreport the facts to suit himself and Mary Ambrose.
The answer is no, per EMI Records and Elizabeth Freund, the late Robert Palmer's publicist. Mary Ambrose did not appear in any videotaped performances of Addicted to Love. In fact, Mary Ambrose did not appear in any Robert Palmer videos at all. I am not trying to be rude, but Mary Ambrose was neither a model or a dancer. In pictures that I have seen of her, no offense, she is heavy set and not suited to either modeling or dancing. Mary Ambrose did contribute some backing vocals on Drive as well as backing vocals on Rhythm and Blues. It was known that Mary Ambrose was interested in entering the music business and Robert Palmer was kind enough to give her some experience in this range.