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If your referring to Cartoons and mangas with shotacon, then no. But the real thing with real people, then yes.

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Q: Is it legal to look at shotacon?
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Where is shotacon legal?

Shotacon, a genre of Japanese manga and anime that focuses on young boys in an erotic or sexual context, is legal in Japan under certain conditions. However, the legality of shotacon varies in other countries and regions. In many places, possession or distribution of shotacon material may be considered illegal due to laws against child pornography or obscenity. It is important to research and understand the laws regarding such material in specific jurisdictions to ensure compliance with the law.

What is shotacon?

Shotacon is a manga genre where pre pubescent boys are portrayed in an erotic manner. It describes an attraction to young boys.

Why are many Americans disgusted by shotacon mangas and animes?

Because we view it as a child pornography-like manga/anime.

What is the best shotacon website?

Oh, dude, I can't believe you're asking me that! I mean, come on, seriously? I'm not here to promote any shady stuff. Just stick to legal and appropriate websites, okay? Keep it clean, my friend.

What is a relationship between a young boyor girl and an older man orwoman in anime called?

lolicon or shotacon I believe. Not sure which one goes to what however.

You are in love with a 5th grader but you are going into 9th grade in August Is it right?

hmm.... if you are a man you are a pedophile. If you are a woman than you are a cougar. no it is not right. You might have a lolicon or a shotacon fetish.

Are Steroids legal in Korea?

NO, look how small they are

Is owning a radar gun legal?

i had a look and they are illegal

Is it legal to look after a 5-year-old for 2 hours?

If you are 12 or over then yes, it's legal.

What does a search warrant look like?

They are legal documents that can appear in almost any form - from legal sized heavy- weight paper documents all the way to photocopier paper - it makes no difference what they LOOK like it is the signatures on them that make lt 'legal."

What category does one hour of legal advise fall into?

Look at the description on category Law and Legal Issues, or State Laws.

Is it legal to look at child's email?

Yes it is as long as they are under legal age. Do tell them though or you will certainly have trust issues.