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The spear is legal, it is a storyline that the spear is illegal.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

As of 1/28/10 Edge's spear is not legal

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Is a spear legal in folk style wrestling?

if you touch the ropes when you are waiting for them to get up then its not legal but if you do it without touching them then its legal

Are spear guns legal in MN?

No. Spearing of game fish is unlawful.

Does edges spear hurt?

no,wwe is a entertainment program its just an act of getting hurt sometimes i did it my self it does not hurt

What type of gun to use fishing?

If it's legal, a spear gun can be used.

What is the German word for spear?

nounspear = Speerspear = Lanzespear = Spießverbto spear = aufspießento spear = spießento spear = durchbohren

Is an assegai spear the same as iklwa spear?

No, the assegai spear is your typical long spear used for throwing. Where the iklwa is a long bladed short spear used with a shield for close combat.

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Spears is the plural of spear

Is an aboriginal woomera and spear the same?

No. The spear is a weapon but the woomera is not. The woomera is a spear-thrower. It enabled the men to throw a spear with greater speed and accuracy.

What is the word fo spear in Navajo?

a spear is : tsii'détáána spear for throwing is: tsii' 'anáhálghą́hí"To spear him with it"-- bigháníshgéédto throw spears at each other-- ahííníilt'óóh

What type of spear contributed to the elimination of large game animals?

Throwing spear, in which the spear is projected from a tube

Where is spear pillar on the map?

There is no spear pillar that's in emerald

Caan you put fibreglass tape on the edges of the face on your cricket bat?

In iternational cricket that is illegal. but in lower grades it is legal but you have an advantage