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Yes! it could ruin your vocal chords!

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Q: Is it bad to sing everyday?
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If you sing everyday will you become a better singer?

Singing everyday should be done for your own enjoyment. There may even be health benefits in music and singing. Singing everyday may just reinforce what you are doing. A good singer may become a better singer by practicing. A bad singer may get better or will stay a bad singer. It depends on your voice, how you use it, and realizing its capabilities and it deficiencies.

Does Beyonce practice singing everyday?

Probably, that is her job to sing.

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Well... no he's always wanted to sing, it was his lifetime and everyday dream.

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The cast of Sing Lee and the Bad Man - 1912 includes: Paul Panzer as Sing Lee

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sing,sail,try to find gold,sharpen swords

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