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No, InuYasha didn't turn out to be gay in any of the episodes.

(hint hint: He's in love with Kagome and Kikyo. InuYasha? Gay? Nope.)

Confusion might have come from the episode in which Shuuga (Myoga the flea's wife to be) possesses Inuyasha and tries to violate Shippo in episode 65. (How silly!)

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15y ago

just like i said about dbz its gay and i force myself to watch it 'cause its the only thing on

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15y ago

in episode 129 when chokucie tried to get Kagome as his bride and Inuyasha jumped in front of tne poseted Tera and he acted gay

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There are two- 'InuYasha' and 'InuYasha the Final Act'.

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2: Inuyasha and Inuyasha- The Final Act.

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Richard Cox does the voice of Demon Inuyasha. He plays both Inuyasha and Demon Inuyasha. I hope that helped.

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No because Inuyasha: The Final Act is the last series of Inuyasha and that didn't have Inuyasha's baby.

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