Inuyasha is half dog demon and half human. Hes a dog-demon, you could say.
you should be more specific, like in what episode does the character come from.
No because Inuyasha: The Final Act is the last series of Inuyasha and that didn't have Inuyasha's baby.
Episode 18 of InuYasha the final Act
The second season of inuyasha is called Inuyasha: The final acts.
inuyasha episode 128
Kagome Higurashi .
bad guy
# InuYasha(the dog demon who loves kagome and kikyo) # kagome(the human girl with a sacret powere/she's in love with inuyasha) # Sango ((the demon slayer) # miroku(the perv/monk) # shippo(the fox demon) # naraku(the bad guy) # kirara(songo's cat demon) # Sesshoumaru(inuyasha older half brother) # Rin(the little girl that follows Sesshoumaru around) # jaken(sesshoumaru's little helper) # Band of seven(evil crew tried to kill Inuyasha and the crew)
Inuyasha is a nice guy. He just mean as hell what i mean is that he can be nice when he want to be nice and he can be a jerk when he want to be one and he can be sweet when he also want to be one
He's a boy
There are few episodes when that happens ;) It's cuz he likes da girl. Anyone can see that. Lolsz
Episode 12
the old guy is the dude who created tenseiga and tetsusaiga (his name is totosai). he fixes inuyasha's sword sometimes. there's also an old lady named kaede, who's kikyo's younger sister.
Ahh. I believe you mean "Bankotsu," ne? No, she did not. In fact... [SPOILER] Kagome has only kissed one guy in InuYasha, and that's InuYasha himself.
inuyasha the final act
Her name is Kagura and she was made from Naraku's body.