husalah didnt die, he is in the same jail as gangsta flea and husalah is getting out in this summer 2009! HE GOT STABBED 5 TIMES!
Husalah got caught with some pills. Either Thizz (ecstasy) or oxy pills and he got caught with a couple of pistols. Doing about 5 years i believe, but he'll be getting out in 2010 or 2011 depending on if he does well in lock-up. Whoever gave that answer is a jackass! That is not the reason he is in jail???? He's a changed man now so why he's there is not important if you dont know then its not meant for you to know.... Husalah Got caught up with 15 killos of pure cocain. Maybe guns to who really knows the real question is how is he not still in prison???? even with a lawyr he laced up his scetchers and siad somthing!!! I belive he snitched in some way shape or form!!! He might have some talent but the way he glorifys guns dope and money he has is so going with the norm or what every one else raps about. I dont think he is goiong to change!! especially cause all his new songs suck!! Bad karma from snitching and his crapy new lyrics will kill his fan base!!! I wish Mac dre were still alive Husalah was sick back then!!! He might as well have died a mob figure not a snitch
Dead or Alive Deadeye Dick Grateful Dead Theory of a Dead man
No Enya Is NOT dead!
He is not dead.
yes he is dead NO he is not dead he is alive and well and still wrestling
Husalah was born in 1981.
Yeah,, Husalah from Mobb FiGgaZ died Saturday June 28 2009
he didn't; he's still alive
he got stabbed 6 time
Husalah ft. Big Tone
friday night
i believe he is out right now because his big homie the jacka just made a new vidoe ft Andre nickatina called glamerous lifest and the jacka said if you looking for husslah my homie right there and they showed him with the jacka and evry thing
Husalah got caught with some pills. Either Thizz (ecstasy) or oxy pills and he got caught with a couple of pistols. Doing about 5 years i believe, but he'll be getting out in 2010 or 2011 depending on if he does well in lock-up. Whoever gave that answer is a jackass! That is not the reason he is in jail???? He's a changed man now so why he's there is not important if you dont know then its not meant for you to know.... Husalah Got caught up with 15 killos of pure cocain. Maybe guns to who really knows the real question is how is he not still in prison???? even with a lawyr he laced up his scetchers and siad somthing!!! I belive he snitched in some way shape or form!!! He might have some talent but the way he glorifys guns dope and money he has is so going with the norm or what every one else raps about. I dont think he is goiong to change!! especially cause all his new songs suck!! Bad karma from snitching and his crapy new lyrics will kill his fan base!!! I wish Mac dre were still alive Husalah was sick back then!!! He might as well have died a mob figure not a snitch
It kills them. I tested it. it failed because it died. lemon juice kills it. it was dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead. Lemon juice kills radish seed germination. I did a scietific experiment to prove it.
They are dead. The dead can not walk, talk, or move. They are dead. Dead is dead.
dead calm dead of night stone cold dead dead as a doorknob deadhead