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no eminem wrote this before proof died so now eminem never listens to this song because he thought he caused proofs death

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15y ago

his dead friend, proof

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Q: Is eminem like toy soldiers a true story?
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Most of Eminem's songs are a true story (or so he claims).

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Is the Eminem Stan song a true story?

No his uncle Ronnie's suicide inspired him to write it

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It's a fictional story about how he was sexually abused by his stepfather. I don't think it's a real story, though, just for laughs. I don't think Eminem would lie about something like that. & why would he make a song just for laughs? Eminem is a true rapper, he raps about his life, and his song's are all true. (the ones he writes) Just saying :)

Is like toy soldiers true?

I should think so if Eminem wrote it, practically all of his songs are based on real life situations, there must be a message through the song :)

How many eminem songs are based on a true story?

All most the ones that describe his life!

How can you use true story in a sentence?

you could answer it like: what a very true story that is.

Is the band of angels a true story?

Yes, "The Band of Angels" is a true story based on the experiences of soldiers in the 82nd Airborne Division during World War II. The book by Max Fraser highlights the bravery and sacrifices of these soldiers during their campaign in Europe.

Eminem you heard he died is it true?


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I think it's not a true story, but true strorys like that happening every day

What is a rap song about death?

Well,there is one song in my mind.It's called stan by eminem.a story about a true fan of eminem who killed his girlfriend and then suicides.must listen

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